Being Human
equipped with features, that other species don’t have

extraordinary – but not superior

to be in touch with nature  is  to be in touch with humanity

with one another

and allow all Life the space to unfold and develop

honor the own experience
alike the experience of the other

in integrity with one another

that a belief system is a strong energy that calls for other energies to confirm it:
not only in the earthly realms, but also in the multidimensional planes.

that everything is frequency and energy

Like-minded people
exist in the same frequency level

The slow rush of empathy permeates the atmosphere like a fragrance.
It comes with knowing what it means to be a human animal.
Everything that lives dwells in consecration.
Among all species, the human animal alone is responsible for maintaining the sacred,
aware that its existence is no more or less sacred than anything else in nature.
Only the human animal can desecrate the unity of life.
– John Lash Lamb