to be free is a way of life….  not a choice!

free – from believing to be separate from life
freed from the horror of mortality

a release, integration and embodiment towards the radiance of the true self,
towards a dignified way…. being huMan

an acceptance of being responsible – no more blaming

life is movement – whole – formless – boundless – timeless
IAmWeAre movement
from human to human – an endless flow with one another

one-life-consciousness…. multidimensional flowing…. naturally expanding….
This consciousness is the unlimited playful creator.

being with “what-is” – within
your and my humanity forms – create – our society:
a sounding together, beyond sounding alike.

h u M a n
simply…. we with one another  

Humility: courage to give every life the space to unfold, in the knowledge,
that this is what makes one’s own unfolding possible. (Richard Rudd)